By Rachel Miller
What better way to spend a Wednesday evening than at the legendary Piere’s Entertainment
Center! Now reopened for over a year, they have brought the party back to Fort Wayne! This
night was no exception, with a solid lineup of 10 Years, Black Map, and VRSTY.
First up to take the stage was New York City’s R&B and post-hardcore infused band, VRSTY.
VRSTY is composed of Joey Varela [vocals], Javy Dorrejo [bass], Chris Cody [drums],
and Paul Gregory [guitar]. The band was formed in 2015 with their unique musical
fusion. Songs like “Sick” and “Shameless” got the crowd warmed up and rockin’! VRSTY
is a super high energy band that was running and thrashing all over the stage during
their set. With Joey’s melodic vocals and absolutely soul ripping drums and guitar,
VRSTY is a force to be reckoned with and you’ll likely see more from these guys in the

Next up was San Fransico’s post-hardcore trio Black Map. The band consists of Mark
Engles [Guitar], Chris Robyn [Drums] and Ben Flanagan [Vocals/Bass]. The crowd was
getting warmed up and ready for the headliner 10 Years, and Black Map brought it home
with Ben’s strong and tantalizing vocals, Mark’s amazing guitar riffs and Chris’s supherb
drum action. Black Map would classify as a good ol’ heart thumping rock and roll band.

Finally, what the crowd had waited all night to see, 10 Years hit the stage. Hailing from
Knoxville, TN, the nearly 20 year old alternative hard rock trio is made up of Jesse Hasek
[vocals], Brian Vodinh [drums], and Matt Wantland [guitar]. Jesse came out sporting a
17th century plague doctor style white mask, which added a moody vibe to the set. He sang
several songs donning the mask, before it was ditched. The group had a 17 song set list
including hit tracks “Fix Me”, “The Unknown”, “So Long, Good-bye”, “The Shift”,
“Novacaine”, and “Wasteland”. Jesse was very engaged with the crowd, leaning out and
giving high-fives and fist-bumps, talking to the crowd in between songs. You could tell he
really loves the fans and enjoys the connection to the crowd. This night was an extra special
night as well, it was Jesse’s birthday. A birthday cake was even brought out on stage.
Hugs were given, glasses were raised and it was a cool celebratory moment. All in all, 10
Years is a very talented rock band that will have you singing along and banging your head if
you get the chance to catch one of their shows.