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Episode 47: Tarah Who
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Thanks for taking some time to chat with From the Green Room
1. What’s the name of the band?
TGC: Tarah Who?
2. Where are you from?
TGC: Los Angeles,CA
3. What type of music do you play?
TGC: Rock, grunge, punk
4. Introduce yourselves to the readers and tell us what you do in the band?
TGC: I am Tarah, founder. I write all the songs. Live, I play the guitar and sing.
5. This is probably a common question but one that most want to know, what musical
influences did you have growing up, and what are some now?
TGC: I grew up listening to Alanis Morissette. Then I discovered The Distillers, Motörhead, tool, RATM, Hole, Joan Jett, etc… Today, I don’t listen to much new music. When I write, I like to keep my focus on the new songs and try to not be influenced actually by what’s happening.
6. Have you always been into music? Was it something that just came to you
TGC: I am not sure how it started… When we were kids, my mom listened to a lot of Rock while cleaning the house. She would really BLAST The Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen etc.. Then I started listening to my own music, and we would spend evenings listening to what I had discovered or playing on my Walkman and Discman. We would just sit for hours playing music while we were lying down on the floor, feeling the vibrations of the bass and the drums etc.. I didn’t realize at the time the impact it has on me now. When I was 10 I remember getting the craving for the drums, I have always been drawn to the instrument, but that’s when my dad didn’t think it was an instrument for girls, even at school the music teacher would slightly smile when I said I actually would prefer to play the drums rather than the piccolo. When I turned 14, I started inquiring about drum lessons. The few teachers I spoke to didn’t take me seriously, so I started teaching myself. Same with the bass. I joined a couple of rock bands and that’s when it all started. At 15, I moved to the US and my English teacher wanted me to keep a journal to perfect my English. That is when I learned to express myself and write. It was very therapeutic. Some of those writings became songs, and I never stopped playing or writing…
I never really thought of music as a career. It just became that because I take it seriously, and It’s all I have, really. It was never a hobby. This I know. Music is an obsession that I take passionately,
7. What can we expect from the band in the rest of 2022 and beyond into 2023?
TGC: Since we are in 2023… We started the year opening for Life of Agony, Prong and Madball. Now we are gearing up again to go back on this UK tour, opening for Wednesday 13, Sick’n Beautiful and South of Salem. April 28, is the release of a new album called “The collaboration project” which I am super excited about. Right before that, I am releasing “Freshmeat Rockstars” which is a new single.
8. For someone who wants to know more about the band, were can they find you at?
And were can they find your music?
TGC: Everywhere! I think you can just google Tarah Who? and pick your poison. I am mostly active on instagram @ tarahwho , and on Youtube but we are on Spotify and all of those digital platforms we need to be on in this day and age. 🙂
9. Let’s answer some fun questions, what is your all time favorite band?
TGC: I don’t really have favorites anything… but let’s say… The Distillers.
10. If you could tour with any band and open or have them open for you, who would
you choose?
TGC: I would love to set up a tour with the bands I collaborated with on the new album. So those bands are: Yur Mum, Faul, Bala, Laura Chevalier, October Rain, Carissa Johnson.
Thanks for chatting with me From the Green Room and look forward to chatting
again in the future.
Thanks for having me!