Interview with Talk Radio

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Interview with Talk Radio

Thanks for taking some time to chat with From the Green Room

1. What’s the name of the band?

2. Where are you from?

Melbourne, Australia.

3. What type of music do you play?

I’d say “alternative” or “indie” rock would be as close as you can get.

4. Introduce yourselves to the readers and tell us what you do in the band?

My name is Alex. I’m the only one in this project. I write all the music and lyrics,
perform all the vocals, play the drums, guitars, keys/piano and any other required
percussion, as well as create all the artwork for the CD releases.

5. This is probably a common question but one that most want to know, what musical
influences did you have growing up, and what are some now?

It’s a bit of a mix. To begin with, I learnt drums in my teens. My uncle was a great
drummer (mum’s cousin really) and he was a huge fan of people like Billy Cobham and
Ginger Baker. Through my own musical explorations, I added people like Neil Peart,
Virgil Donati and Danny Carey to that list (unbelievably I ended up becoming friends
with a singer who worked with Virgil and took my uncle to a gig). Once I started singing,
I was being inspired by people like Bruce Dickinson, John Farnham and, my ultimate
hero, Chris Cornell. These days, my influences are purely from a song writing
perspective. For years, my number one song writing influence has been Foo Fighters. I’m
a huge admirer of Dave Grohl’s ability to churn out melodic hooks like he has a
bottomless pit of ideas. Other influences include Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Radiohead and
The Beatles.

6. Have you always been into music? Was it something that just came to you

I’ve been told I’ve always been musical. I used to drum in time to songs from the age of
3. Even so, music wasn’t my first artistic pursuit. I started as an actor at the age of 12. I
did quite a bit of theatre, TV and even a film over a period of 5 years. When I finished
high school and it was time to go to uni, my parents stopped supporting my acting
ambitions. They actively blocked my attempts, which was simple for them really. All
they had to do was stop driving me around to where I needed to go. By the time I got my
licence and was able to get around myself, my acting agency had been sold, I was no

longer on their books and my actors equity membership had expired. At this stage, I had
no drum kit at home either and was relegated to practicing on various pieces of furniture
in front of the stereo. At some point my cousin, who happened to be a great drummer,
invited me to watch his band at a rehearsal studio. It turned out they had no singer and
insisted I get on the microphone to give them a guide. It took a lot of convincing. They
kept asking me back every weekend. That’s how the singing began. Not long after that, I
joined a band and signed up for singing lessons.

7. What can we expect from the band in the rest of 2023 and beyond into 2024?

I’m currently working on my next recording. It will be a 5 track EP. I won’t be waiting to
do entire albums anymore.

8. For someone who wants to know more about the band, were can they find you at?
And where can they find your music?

Everything I have can be found on, including where you can
find my music. You can also follow on

9. Let’s answer some fun questions, what is your all time favorite band?

Soundgarden, with Foo Fighters and Pearl Jam close behind.

10. If you could tour with any band and open or have them open for you, who would
you choose?
Opening for Foo Fighters would be the pinnacle of anything I’d ever achieved. I don’t
think I’d even care if I didn’t get paid. That sounds so ridiculous that even typing that
answer is making me giggle.

Thanks for chatting with me From the Green Room and look forward to chatting
again in the future.
Thanks so much.


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