Interview with the band Reaven

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Interview with the band Reaven

Thanks for taking some time to chat with From the Green Room

1. What’s the name of the band?

“We are the band, Reaven.”

2. Where are you from?

“We are from France.”

3. What type of music do you play?

“I think we can say that we play an Indie Pop-Rock style with a fresh touch of Electro.”

4. Introduce yourselves to the readers and tell us what you do in the band?

“I am Roméo, I am the lead singer and guitarist of Reaven. Also the composer and songwriter. At
the drums and back vocals you’ll find Vincent, at the bass and back vocals, here is Rudy. And
our keyboardist and back vocalist are André.”

5. This is probably a common question but one that most want to know, what musical
influences did you have growing up, and what are some now?

“We do have a very large panel of influences. Musically, from the Woodstock years, The Beatles
etc… to more recent bands like Kings of Leon, Muse etc…
We also have Rhythm’n’blues, classical and jazz influences…”

6. Have you always been into music? Was it something that just came to you

“Oh yes !! Since I was 4 years old I’ve been playing music. I started with the piano, it was
something really natural for me.

7. What can we expect from the band in the rest of 2024 and beyond into 2025?

“To follow and end our European tour named the “For Tomorrow Tour”, to release a new music
video and to give our first South American tour as well in November-December! New single
and maybe EP will be releasing later this year too”

8. For someone who wants to know more about the band, were can they find you at?
And where can they find your music?

“The easiest way is to go on our Official Website here: you will find all
the info you need!! And this LinkTree:”

9. Let’s answer some fun questions, what is your all time favorite band?

“The Beatles, without a doubt !!”

10. If you could tour with any band and open or have them open for you, who would
you choose?

“I think we would have a blast touring with Coldplay !!”

Thanks for chatting with me From the Green Room and look forward to chatting
again in the future.

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