Interview with A Permanent Shadow

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Interview with A Permanent Shadow

Thanks for taking some time to chat with From the Green Room.

It’s a pleasure, thanks for inviting us!

2. Where are you from?

I’m of Austrian origin but have lived in Barcelona for many years. My co-writers are
Catalan and Argentinian, respectively.

3. What type of music do you play?

We play Electronic Rock.

4. Introduce yourselves to the readers and tell us what you do in the band?

My name is CP Fletcher and I am the singer, Valentí Nieto is on bass, guitar and
production and Albert Català is the keyboarder and arranger.

5. This is probably a common question but one that most want to know, what musical
influences did you have growing up, and what are some now?

I was heavily into David Bowie as a teenager, and still am. These days I would say that
other major influences are Nine Inch Nails and LCD Soundsystem.

6. Have you always been into music? Was it something that just came to you

I started out quite late, as a drummer first and then as a singer when I was in my thirties.
It pains me to say that I’m not a natural talent, neither singing nor drumming came
naturally to me. It was a lot of hard work and I still feel that I have a lot to learn.

7. What can we expect from the band in the rest of 2024?

We’ve just released a new album, “No Leaf Clover”, which we will be promoting over
the next few months. Towards the end of the year, we’d like to release a covers EP as well.

We are on all digital platforms and social media outlets, but a good starting point is our
own website,

9. Let’s answer some fun questions, what is your all-time favorite band?

That’s a tough question, but I’ll go with Simple Minds!

10. If you could tour with any band and open or have them open for you, who would you choose?

I think we would make a good match with Simple Minds, Future Islands, John Grant or
Garbage, among many others.

Thanks for chatting with me From the Green Room and look forward to chatting
again, in the future.

Thank you for having us! Till the next time!




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