Interview with Replies by Movement

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Interview with Replise by Movement

Thanks for taking some time to chat with From the Green Room

1. What’s the name of the band?
MARTIN: Our previous band was called Raw Novembre

2. Where are you from?
KEVIN: We are brothers, and we’re from Mullingar, a small town in the middle of
MARTIN: We have lived in Mullingar all our lives, and this is where we write and
record our music, in our home studio, End of Light Studios.

3. What type of music do you play?

KEVIN: It could be post-punk, but it has metal and rock elements to it. It is also
darkwave and electronic. A mixture of those genres.
MARTIN: I like to call it rock, but that is very broad these days. The core parts of our
sound are drums, bass and distorted guitars, but we also add synths for atmosphere.

4. Introduce yourselves to the readers and tell us what you do in the band?
KEVIN: I play guitar, and experiment with synthesizers, sequencers, and samplers
MARTIN: I am the vocalist, but I started on drums, so I write and record the drum parts.

5. This is probably a common question but one that most want to know, what musical
influences did you have growing up, and what are some now?

KEVIN: The first band I got into was Joy Division, but I also listen to a broad range of
music from metal to country rock. If it has something I connect with, then I’ll listen some more. Other bands I like are Pixies, Black Sabbath, Depeche Mode, Nirvana, Wipers,
Bauhaus, and lots more. New bands I like are Turnstile and Fontaines DC.

MARTIN: The first bands I listened to were Iron Maiden and Van Halen. Over the years
I have broadened the music I listen to. I like Nine Inch Nails, Ghost, New Model Army,
and lots of other bands. I currently like Ghost and Lord of the Lost.

6. Have you always been into music? Was it something that just came to you

KEVIN: Since I was a teenager, I always had an interest in music, especially rock music.
My musical taste developed in my teens, but I now listen to a wide variety of genres. So,
I could be listening to Rammstein, or Metallica, but also Grandaddy and Sparklehorse, or
The Chemical Brothers.

MARTIN: I was singing from my early teens, but I always liked the drums. So, I bought
a kit and played in a few bands. Once Kevin got a bass, we started a band with lots of
different musicians. We played covers at first, but we also wrote our own songs from the
beginning. I suppose punk and post-punk and metal influenced us, and we always felt that
writing music and songs was something we should do. When we had enough songs
written we would play those live instead of covers.

7. What can we expect from the band in the rest of 2023 and beyond into 2024?

KEVIN: We have just released an album, REINVENTION, at the end of 2023. This will
be re-released on CD by EPICTRONIC in a few months. We have released a number of
singles from the album, I BELIEVE IN NOISE, CRAWL BACK INSIDE, and
EXISTENCE. You can view the videos for those tracks on YouTube.

MARTIN: Yeah, our latest album is REINVENTION. But we already have new songs,
so we are finishing tracking those, and we intend to mix those and release them sometime
in 2024. They could be released as an EP, or a mini album. I expect our fourth album to
be completed by the end of 2024 with a release date in early 2025.

8. For someone who wants to know more about the band, where can they find you at?
And where can they find your music?

KEVIN: Our main website has all the details about our releases, where to listen to our
music, and links to our videos. Visit to find out more about Movment.

MARTIN: We post on Social Media from time to time, Twitter (X), Facebook,
Instagram, and TikTok. Details are on our main website. We also release some items on
our own Record Label – Distort The Scene – – but our last 2
albums have been released on Epictronic –
Send us an email or message us on Social Media if you have any questions about

9. Let’s answer some fun questions, what is your all time favorite band?

KEVIN: It is very hard to pick one, but I’d say it is probably Joy Division. It is definitely
the band that influenced me the most. I run a blog,, where I list the
bands I like and the albums/songs that have made an impression on me, including my
song of the week.

MARTIN: My All Time Favourite band is Iron Maiden, but there are plenty of bands
that run them close, especially Nine Inch Nails.

10. If you could tour with any band and open or have them open for you, who would
you choose?

KEVIN: One band I saw recently is Queens of the Stone Age. An opening slot for them
would be great. Awesome band.

MARTIN: If we could tour with a band, one that is on tour, that would probably be
Smashing Pumpkins at the moment, or maybe Rammstein!

Thanks for chatting with me From the Green Room and look forward to chatting
again in the future.

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