Interview with the band Ultimatium

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Interview with the band Ultimatum

1. What’s the name of the band?


2. Where are you from?

From Finland. From Pirkanmaa / Southern Finland, to be more precise.
However, the band was formed in Suomussalmi, which is a lot more north.

3. What type of music do you play?

We play progressive power metal, so think of us as mix between Stratovarius.
and Dream Theater.

4. Introduce yourselves to the readers and tell us what you do in the band?

I’m Matti Pulkkinen, founder and keyboardist. Other current members are
guitarist Harri Niskanen, who joined the band back in the days of Suomussalmi,
around 2003. Vocalist Tomi Viiltola joined 2005 and drummer / vocalist Matti
Auerkallio, who joined us in 2015.

5. This is probably a common question but one that most want to know, what musical
influences did you have growing up, and what are some now?

Stratovarius was a big influence in early days as well as Dio-era Rainbow,
later the influences have gone more progressive, like Ayreon, Pagan’s Mind,
Symphony X, Dream Theater, to name a few.

6. Have you always been into music? Was it something that just came to you

Not really, it was Stratovarius’s Visions-album that really woke my musician.
inside of me. Before that, I did listen to some rock etc, bands, but was not.
really into music or making music. And I’m not naturally talented,
everything had to be learned the hard way.

7. What can we expect from the band in the rest of 2024 and beyond into 2025?

Well, for the rest of the year, one can expect some news of our next album at

8. For someone who wants to know more about the band, were can they find you at?
And where can they find your music?

We recently released two new music videos to our YouTube channel, so that’s worth.
checking out. There’s also extensive amount of music videos from our latest album.
‘Virtuality’, over half of the songs have music video there.

9. Let’s answer some fun questions, what is your all-time favorite band?

I think it’s Ayreon, he has done amazing career with his albums.

10. If you could tour with any band and open or have them open for you, who would.
you choose?

We’re no longer touring; we gave up on that after ‘Vis Vires Infinitus’ in order to
concentrate fully on making absolutely epic album.

Thanks for chatting with me From the Green Room and look forward to chatting
again in the future.


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